Blue Light at night could be bad for your health, and exposure to blue light emitted by electronics may be especially so.Until the advent of artificial lighting, the sun was the major source of lighting, and people spent their evenings in (relative) darkness. At night, light modifies the body's biological clock —the circadian rhythm— and could cause problems in our sleep.
But not all colors of light have the same effect. Blue wavelengths—which are beneficial during daylight hours because they boost attention, reaction times, and mood—seem to be the most disruptive at night. And the proliferation of electronics with screens is increasing our exposure to blue wavelengths, especially after sundown.
Exposure to light suppresses the secretion of melatonin, a hormone that influences circadian rhythms. While light of any kind can suppress the secretion of melatonin, blue light does so more powerfully.
Bluelight Filter - Brightness Reduction, allows you to access four different filter settings:
- Normal Mode: Ideal for regular Web Browsing with minimal color shift.- Balance Mode: Mantains good color visualization giving a good balance between image quality and eye care.- Paper Mode: Perfect for reading during long periods of time for example ebook Reading.- Sleep Mode: Minimal blue light emissions, our best choice before sleep.